Fundraising events are events aimed at raising awareness and donations for an organization’s mission. Fundraising events can be neighborhood cookouts, half marathons, silent auctions, concerts, and many more.
Non-profits regularly use fundraising events to raise funds to support their missions. Events allow other community members and donors alike to engage actively with non-profits, rather than simply donating. They also provide opportunities for companies to establish their employee community support program. Meeting with donors also allows organizations to reiterate their mission and discuss ways people can get more involved in their work.
Examples of Fundraising Events
Just about any type of event can be turned into a fundraiser, but some types of events are more successful than others. That’s because some provide more opportunities for non-profits to promote their mission and show donors how their support makes a positive impact directly.
Here are some examples of popular fundraising events:
I. Galas
A gala is a social gathering, typically featuring entertainment, food, and drinks, and is used as a fundraising opportunity. Gala guests usually purchase a table or ticket to attend the event, which is how the non-profit raise money. Galas may also include other activities, such as a silent auction.
II. Donor Appreciation Events
Donor appreciation events are free events used by non-profits to express their gratitude to supporters. Non-profits use such events to communicate their mission, thank their donors, and highlight ways donors can keep engaging with the organisation, such as through volunteering.
When you don’t ask for money at appreciation events, you can focus solely on the creation of connections and building relationships with supporters. The focus of such events is entirely on your supporters themselves, helping to ensure better donor retention and promote stronger relationships.
III. Live or Online Auctions
An auction is a sale where goods are sold to the highest bidder. Non-profits that host auctions seek out items donated by local businesses and sell them to the highest bidder.
Live auctions take place in person, typically with an auctioneer that describes the auction items and manages the bidding for each of the items. Online auctions, on the other hand, can be held on the non-profit’s website, its social media pages, or even a third-party auction site, and bids are submitted electronically.
IV. Silent Auctions
Silent auctions follow the same concept as auctions, but rather than an auctioneer announcing and describing every item, the items are laid out for attendees to view and bid on “silently” by writing their bid on a sheet in front of the item.
Punch walls, grab bags, and mystery boxes are some of the effective fundraising ideas to help you sell some of the cheaper auction items that have been donated to the fundraiser.
V. Virtual Fundraising Events
Virtual fundraising events are non-profit events that are either completely online or have an online component with the intent of soliciting funds or other kinds of donations. If in-person gatherings aren’t feasible, virtual fundraising events can be a viable alternative.
Non-profits can still use these experiences even when in-person gatherings are possible to provide a unique form of engagement. Your supporters will appreciate having the option of attending virtual events since they aren’t required to leave their homes.
VI. Hybrid Fundraising Events
Hybrid fundraising events usually include both a virtual and in-person element. They asynchronously or simultaneously combine online and offline experiences. Live-streaming an in-person event can qualify, but a truly great hybrid event is both interactive and multi-channel.
Hybrid events allow the hosting organisation to appeal to and engage audiences who are online as well as those at a physical venue. Now that we’re in a post-pandemic period, more hybrid fundraising events in both for-profit and non-profit organisations are to be expected.